

Broccoli is a vegetable of expressive taste and aroma. The smell of broccoli processing should not scare everyone – it is one of the most valuable foods. Broccoli has components that kill tumor cells; reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease; improves vision and is a great source of calcium.

Suitable for fresh salads, processing is best stewed or added to various stews, roasts, soups.
Prepacked / ingredient of soup

Celery sticks

Celery is a unique and widely used vegetable, which not only slimming but also helps to combat depression and poor mood. The stems are very aromatic, juicy and have an expressive, fresh taste. By the way, they contain a substance – a male pheromone, attracting women, so in ancient Roman times celery stalks were used as an aphrodisiac.

Stems are used fresh for salads, juices, snacks or for cooking / steaming soups, stews. Did you know that chewing celery stalks after a meal helps in oral and dental hygiene? Celery stems are added to salads, sauces and soups, and they are used to squeeze juice. They can be used to make salads, garnishes, and refrigeration.
Prepacked / ingredient of soup